Cookie Policy

What is a cookie:

In order to improve our service, our site uses cookies. Cookies are small files that store information in your browser and are commonly used to distinguish individual users. However, the user is not identifiable on the basis of this data. Cookies are helpful, for example:

  • to ensure the correct functionality of our site and help complete the purchase process;
  • in remembering our customers’ credentials so they do not have to enter their credentials enter each time they visit our site;
  • in determining which sites and features the visitors use most often; this data allows us to adjust our offer to your requirements;
  • in finding out, which ads are most viewed by our visitors, so that they do not always see the same ad when they browse the site or show ads of items they are not interested in.

For more general information on cookies, please click here

Which cookies we use:

Based on their duration, the cookies used on our site can be divided into two types: Short-term “session cookies” that are only temporary and remain stored in your browser only until you close your browser and so-called “persistent cookies”, which are stored on your device for a long time or until you manually delete them (duration depends on settings of particular cookie and your browser).

In terms of the function that each cookie performs, the cookies can be divided into:

  • conversion cookies, which allow us to analyze the performance of different sales channels
  • tracking cookies that, in combination with conversion, helps us analyze the performance of different sales channels
  • re-marketing cookies which we use to personalize and target ads
  • analytical cookies, which help us improve the user experience of our site by understanding how users use it
  • essential cookies, which are important for the basic functionality of the site

Some cookies may collect data that is subsequently used by third parties and which, for example, directly supports our advertising activities (so-called “third-party cookies”). For instance, data on the services of our site may be displayed by Google or Facebook so that we can better customize the display of advertising banners on websites you visit. However, this data is not used for your identification.

We use the following cookies on our site:

Publisher/name of cookiesTypeDuration
AdWordsTracking, remarketingUp to 90 days
FacebookTracking, conversion, remarketingpersistent
Google AnalyticsAnalytical, trackingpersistent
SklikTracking, remarketingUp to 365 days
HotjarTrackingUp to 365 days

How to reject the use of cookies

The use of cookies is governed by the setting of your internet browser. Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default. You can reject cookies using your web browser or set up the web browser to only use certain type of cookies.

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